Titash NeogiTitash Neogi started his career with Symantec Software, where he was responsible for building a product team from scratch to one that had 30 members world-wide. He quit Symantec in 2010 to start his own product company.

In his five years as an entrepreneur, he has built two products, themeefy.com and Bookmachine.co. In both cases he has worked across the product stack, from the front-end to the backend, as the need arose. Themeefy today has more than 24K users and several enterprise customers. Bookmachine has over 4K active users.

Titash has a deep understanding of how to build web and mobile products for the content-driven consumer space and also how enterprise environments are affected by consumer products. This understanding extends from the business aspect all the way down to the technical implementation.

His specific interest / expertise areas are centered around the future of content publishing, content consumption, information management at the personal level and transmedia story- telling.